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An 8-week ACCOUNTABILITY program.

- Weekly goal lists.

- Weekly check-ins.

- Workout plan provided (home or gym)

- Nutritional Guidance

- Resources + Coaching to keep you on track


This is a program to KEEP YOU ON TRACK. We will set group + individualized check-lists of goals for the week and then you'll crush those goals and be required to check in every week, for 8 weeks. I am going to be very specific about what I want each of you to accomplish, and you will be required to give it your best effort. 


I will provide the resources you need in order to hit your individual goals (I'm gonna make the outline easy for you, but the hard work will be a commitment to adhering to it) and I will work with you as a group, to hold you accountable. 

While this is a group online coaching program, I will work individually with each of you as well, in order to get the most from these 8 weeks.





    © 2020 The Muscle Mom.   All Rights Reserved Worldwide

    ** Disclaimer: Content on this website provides nutrition, fitness, wellness, exercise and overall health information only; It does not, and is not intended to, constitute medical advice, diagnosis, or substitute medical recommendations or treatments and activities given by your physician or healthcare professional. Consult a physician before beginning any exercise or weight-loss regimen, as well as before taking any vitamin, supplement, or nutritional advice. Should you choose not to consult your physician, you accept full responsibility for your actions and you waive and release all liability that may result from following or using the nutritional and fitness information found on this website. 

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